Papua Traveling and Adventures (LC)

Tree House People ( Korowai tribe )

In the lowland of Papua region there is found small group of People, so called “Tree house people” the well known Semi nomadic people of Korowai who are leaving in the trees. Among 250 tribes in Papua / Irian Jaya, Korowai is one tribe leaving in remote area and recently found by scientist. Different with the highland people of Papua, they most experience in farming, and more accessible by the outsiders, but naturally Korowai people looked wild / primitive and no experience, their life are fully depend on environment, there kind of food available for them. Men and woman going into the jungle every morning collecting sago grub-a kind of palm trees, and local vegetable, hunting wild animals such pig, kasowari birds, parrots, cockatoo, etc and also fishing in the river for sustaining their daily diet.

Visiting inter clan must take 4-5 hours, where the area are completely swamp and humid in average. Culturally the Korowai people are leaving in familiar even another clan, they always help to each other inter clan by providing some food, such sago and helping them to build house. A long house called “befak” must be built in cooperative when ever one clan find a new village and invite them to make a special ceremony of “Sago feast” to collect food and sago worms. Normally 3-4 month before the ceremony, palms trees are cut to process for getting larva and warm.
Labels: Korowai

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